Cream Cheese Pound Cake

June 24, 2024


Storage Tips:
To preserve the taste and freshness of cream cheese pound cake it is essential to store it properly. After cooling completely, wrap in cling film or aluminum foil tightly to protect it from air exposure. Alternatively, put the wrapped piece into an airtight container. Sustain for 3 days at room temperature. For longer storage periods transfer to the refrigerator where it will remain fresh for up to 7 days just ensure you let it come back to room temperature before serving otherwise you will compromise its texture and taste.


Tips for Success:
Ensure the butter and cream cheese have both softened to room temperature so that you can make a smoother batter.

Avoid overmixing the flour in order to prevent a heavy cake.

Use enough grease and flour on the pan when baking so that you can prevent sticking of the cake.


Health Benefits:
Even though cream cheese pound cake is truly indulgent, still it can be enjoyed with a sense of proportion as part of a balanced diet. Protein is provided by eggs in this recipe while butter contributes healthy fats. However, one should take care about its serving size because this cake has high sugar and calorie content.


Nutritional Information:
Note: Nutritional values are approximations and subject to variations based on specific ingredients used and portion sizes.

Serving Size: 1 slice (assuming 16 slices per cake)

Calories: 350

Total Fat: 18g

Saturated Fat: 10g

Trans Fat: 0g

Cholesterol: 130mg


Total Carbohydrates: 43g

Dietary Fiber :1g

Sugars :30g

Protein :5g


Variations and Substitutions:
For one twist made for citrus use the zest from one lemon or orange in your batter.

Try using almond or coconut extracts instead of vanilla to give your cooking unique flavor profiles.

Substitute some all-purpose flour with cake-flour for a lighter cake.

Mix chopped nuts or chocolate chips into your mixture for more texture and taste.


Variations and Substitutions:
For one twist made for citrus use the zest from one lemon or orange in your batter.

Try using almond or coconut extracts instead of vanilla to give your cooking unique flavor profiles.

Substitute some all-purpose flour with cake-flour for a lighter cake.

Mix chopped nuts or chocolate chips into your mixture for more texture and taste.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Is it possible to freeze cream cheese pound cake? By all means, you can freeze cream cheese pound cake for a maximum of three months. Before freezing, tightly wrap the slices in plastic wrap as well as aluminum foil.

Can I substitute salted butter for unsalted butter? However, you can use salted butter but bear in mind that it may impact on the general saltiness of the cake; wherefore if you are using salted butter altering added salt accordingly.

Why is my pound cake dense? Also, Pound cake can be heavy if its batter is over-worked or when baking temperature is too low. You should ensure that you carefully follow the recipe’s preparations and avoid undue beating up of the batter.


Cream cheese pound cake never disappoints as an old-fashioned delicious dessert. It has a rich taste and delicate texture making it the best thing to bake. This kind of snack is ideal with/without any additions on top to make any occasion great. Bake some today and enjoy each mouth-watering morsel!

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